Summer Session 2021
Thursdays 3:00-4:30 pm PST / 6:00-7:30 pm EST
July 15-August 19
6 Weeks
This class is for Blind & Low Vision Adults 18 & over.
Taught by International Master Embodiment teacher, Jeffrey Crockett,
Embodiment is a class that addresses the whole person through the sensory experience of the body. When thoughts, feelings, and imagination can communicate with and through the body, the actor’s expression develops integrity. When the actor learns how to listen to the messages the body is communicating, the actor accesses their unique creative power and impulses, which supports authenticity and spontaneity.
We use simple movements and techniques that invite and develop these experiences and gives you practical tools to continue a process of communicating with and through your body.
*This class is highly recommended and is a Core Foundational class for any performer in any field.