1) What do you mean by “classes are accessible?”

Current acting training programs privilege fully sighted individuals in their enrollment, as well as in the way they teach and use visually based and biased teaching techniques in their pedagogy.  At Access Acting Academy we are committed to creating space for blind, low vision, and visually impaired individuals to gather, work, create, and develop an artistic practice and craft.  We do this by offering master acting, movement, voice, and performance training using techniques that center and celebrate the non-visual experience and way of learning.

Here are just a couple of examples: In traditional visually biased acting classes, eye contact exercises are used extensively to establish connection between actors.  Access Acting Academy doesn’t use eye contact exercises.  We offer equally powerful exercises based on listening, imagination, and/or light touch (when we are doing in-person work) to create the connectivity between scene partners.  In addition, faculty teaching movement in voice, face, and body audio describe their physical directions as they teach so a totally blind or low vision actor has full access to everything being taught.  In some classes the audio description is done in conjunction with visual demonstration for visually impaired individuals who still prefer visual ways of learning.

Note: We must acknowledge the diversity of humanity. And recognize that although Access Acting Academy is led by a professional blind actor, artist, and educator with nearly 25 years in this field, she/we can’t know or understand every single person’s lived experience, accessibility needs or preferences. Our commitment is to give our best, as it exists today, and then listen deeply to you with respect and enthusiasm so we can joyfully evolve our techniques to include everyone. We will miss some stuff though, it is inevitable., as we are at the leading edge of this artistic inclusion revolution. But we believe achieving inclusion is an on-going process and a practice and we are wholly invested in it and you for the long haul. Out work together is actually a symbiotic relationship. Together we will help our entire community expand and revolutionize.

2) Do I have to be blind or low vision to register for classes?

Access Acting Academy prioritizes blind, low vision, and visually impaired students in enrollment and training, yes. But we do offer some special engagement classes in the SLAM SERIES that are open to anyone.  Sighted, blind, disabled, or non-disabled.  Those classes will be designated as such in the class listing and description. Offering training to our allies is important to us too!

3) I am blind and multiply disabled and/or have chronic pain or mobility limitations. Can I still take classes?

Of course! We are intersectional beings and celebrate that many of us who are blind or visually impaired also have other disabilities and/or medical conditions. After you register for classes you will be sent an email with a confidential Accessibility form you can fill out to share your access needs and any other information you would like the teacher to know in advance of class. If your have accessibility questions answered before registering, contact us below.

4) I want deeper training.  Can I take the same class twice?

Absolutely! To keep classes financially accessible we are currently offering short intensives and 4 week classes instead of 6 or 8 week classes. 8 week classes are often the standard in studio programs, and we may move to that model in 2021.  But for now, if you are looking to pursue acting as a career or are just enjoying the classes you are taking, you can absolutely sign up for both sessions for a deeper experience.

5) I don’t want to be a professional actor, I just want to have some fun

Great!  You are welcome here too.  The work that is being taught will offer you skills and growth opportunities that are 100% transferable to all aspects of your life!

6) I don’t know if I want to be an actor, but I’m really curious.

Excellent.  Curiosity is the beginning of every great journey and experience.  And you won’t know if you don’t try.  Come join us!

7) I used to act professionally but then stopped when I started to lose my vision.

Yes, yes, yes you are in the right place!  Needing to regain confidence and figure out ways to integrate your craft and the industry with your new visual experience is real. One of the most powerful things you can do is surround yourself by other artists who know what it’s like to be blind or visually impaired, who know the challenges, who have developed strategies for themselves in this work, and who have learned or are on the path to learning the unequivocal truth that you/we are not missing anything necessary for powerful acting and creating. Please, come join us. 

8) I very much want to take classes here, but I don’t have the financial means to do so.

We understand. For those who are in authentic need we have a limited number of partial and full class scholarships available, which you can apply for. Contact us and we will send you the application. UPDATE: All of our 2020 Scholarships have been awarded. We hope to receive more funding so we can offer another round of scholarships in our Sessions in 2021. We are working hard to make this happen!

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